
Home » Transversal apps » GiustiRPV


Available for Android and iOS platforms, it is an app specialized in marketing monitoring activities at the points of sale indicated by the company. The activity focuses on the detection of information relating to products, prices, positioning, compliance of promotions and more, with reference also to the products of competitors. The “Surveys” section on the Back Office allows the company to manage the activity, with a large space dedicated to the management of the “criticalities” detected at the points of sale.

The advantages of GiustiRPV:

  • Tablets and smartphones allow an agile acquisition of information, associating for each survey the images of the point of sale and shelves, as a document to seal the situation.
  • It operates offline, so it is possible to acquire a survey regardless of the presence of the network connection. There is no need to search for the point of sale: the active gps, through the coordinates, locates it and opens the new activity.
  • It allows you to improve your marketing strategies and strengthen the standing of your products. The data collected during the survey can be consulted at the headquarters to carry out real market analysis.
  • It’s part of a large family of apps, an ever-evolving project where each individual app can collaborate with the others.

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